Stroke Screening
Stroke Screening
It is significantly designed to detect vascular abnormalities in people 40 years of age and older; whether blood vessel narrowing, blood clot formation, blood circulation blockage, or rupture. When the carotid arteries in the neck have some abnormalities that cause restricted blood circulation, these inevitably bring about “cerebral circulatory insufficiency” which can lead to disability or even death.
Special Advice
This screening is recommended for people who have one or more of these risk factors:
- Obesity
- Over 40 years of age
- Excessive alcohol consumption
- History of transient ischemic attacks (TIAs)
- Heart-structural abnormalities
- Heart disease
- High cholesterol and lipids
- Irregular heartbeat
- High blood pressure
- Smoking (past or current)
- Diabetes
- Inactive lifestyle
- Family history of prior stroke or genetics
Here at BPK9 International Hospital, we offer “stroke screening programs” for your selection, so don’t miss your chance.
Terms and Conditions
- The above prices already include the doctor and hospital service fees.
- BPK9 International Hospital specifies the terms and conditions, changes might be made without prior notice.
- From today on until the packages run out.
- For more information and advance appointments, please contact BPK9 hot line 1745 Ext. BPK9 Neurological and Brain Center.
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